Speaker: uncle Nicolas
Since the history of the people of Israel, children and chosen people of God, 03 main stages very often await individuals. The periods of:
i. Slavery, corresponds to the period preceding our new birth, i.e. before knowing the Lord.
ii. Desert, intervenes directly after giving his life to God to mark separation from the passions of the flesh and the desires of the world. It is a period of training, edification and transformation to acquire the new divine principles which allow us to live more than victorious and more than conquerors. Just as all the valiant Israelites who came out of Egypt died in the desert, many children of God also die in the desert without ever entering the promised land. Although some miracles are performed in the desert (e.g., manna (Exodus 16:4-36), waters brought out of the rocks (Numbers 20:8-12), and purified, etc.), God provides better for His children. So we must leave the desert to experience the best of God for our destinies.
iii. d’Abondance, on leaving the desert the converted and transformed Christian discovers the eternal delights conferred upon him by his new status as son/daughter of God and fully enjoys them. The Lord, after saving us, allows us to fully benefit from all the best of his creation before taking us away to bring us into his glory. We are saved to first serve (Exodus 8:1) the Lord and then go to Canaan.
1. What does Canaan represent ?
i. Destination, it is the promised land;
ii. Place of rejoicing, to worship the Lord with songs and dances, accompanied by musical instruments;
iii. A place of abundance, a place flowing with milk and honey (Exodus 3:7-8).
2. Obstacles on the path to Canaan
Oppositions of mainly 03 orders may arise on the path to Canaan.
i. Natural: the spies' report reveals walls approximately 6 to 10 meters thick (Numbers 13:28). They are experts who knew their espionage work. They had bladed weapons (knives, spears, etc.) and therefore no appropriate tools (dynamites, explosives, etc.) to destroy these walls. Humanly the mission to conquer Canaan therefore proved
ii. Humans: the inhabitants of Canaan were as powerful as the cedars, with an average height of about 24 meters. The
people of Israel saw themselves as grasshoppers/ locusts in their eyes (Amos 2:9)
iii. Demonic: giants or Nephilim are hybrid beings resulting from the relationships between men and fallen angels (Genesis 6:4). Some could have the bodies of humans but not the heads of lions. Goliath was one of them or six fingers and six toes on both left and right hand sides.
3. How to enter Canaan and remain there ?
Being anointed by God/receiving the divine anointing, JOSHUA and CALEB, as well as DAVID were anointed to face the giants and possess what had been promised to them by God our Heavenly Father (Numbers 27:18).
Exode 3:7-8 (LSG) L'Éternel dit: J'ai vu la souffrance de mon peuple qui est en Égypte, et j'ai entendu les cris que lui font pousser ses oppresseurs, car je connais ses douleurs. Je suis descendu pour le délivrer de la main des Égyptiens, et pour
le faire monter de ce pays dans un bon et vaste pays, dans un pays où coulent le lait et le miel, dans les lieux qu'habitent les Cananéens, les Héthiens, les Amoréens, les Phéréziens, les Héviens et les Jébusiens./ Exodus 3:7-8 (AMP) The Lord said, “I have in fact seen the affliction (suffering, desolation) of My people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters (oppressors); for I know their pain and suffering. 8 So I have come down to rescue them from the hand (power) of the Egyptians, and to bring them up from that land to a land [that is] good and spacious, to a land [a]flowing with milk and honey [a land of plenty]—to the place of the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Amorite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite.
a. Exodus 3:8 This phrase referred to the abundant fertility of the land of Canaan. Milk (typically that of goats and sheep) was associated with abundance; “honey” referred mainly to syrups made from dates or grapes and was the epitome of sweetness. Bees’ honey was very rare and was considered the choicest of foods.
Exode 8:1 (LSG) L'Éternel dit à Moïse: Va vers Pharaon, et tu lui diras: Ainsi parle l'Éternel: Laisse aller mon peuple, afin qu'il me serve./ Exodus 8:1 (AMP) Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh and say to him, ‘Thus says the Lord, “Let My people go, so that they may serve Me. Nombres 13:28 (LSG) Mais le peuple qui habite ce pays est puissant, les villes sont fortifiées, très grandes; nous y avons vu des enfants d'Anak./ Numbers 13:28 (AMP) But the people who live in the land are strong, and the cities are [a]fortified (walled) and very large; moreover, we saw there the descendants of Anak [people of great stature and courage].
a. Numbers 13:28 The spies probably had not seen walled cities before, having lived their childhood in Goshen in Egypt. Those who forgot God’s power to help them naturally found the situation formidable.
Amos 2:9 (LSG) Et pourtant j'ai détruit devant eux les Amoréens, Dont la hauteur égalait celle des cèdres, Et la force celle des chênes; J'ai détruit leurs fruits en haut, Et leurs racines en bas./ Amos 2:9 (AMP) “Yet it was I [not the false gods] who destroyed the Amorite before them, Though his height was like the height of the cedars, And he was as strong as the oaks; I even destroyed his fruit above and his root below.
Genèses 6:4 (LSG) Les géants étaient sur la terre en ces temps-là, après que les fils de Dieu furent venus vers les filles des hommes, et qu'elles leur eurent donné des enfants: ce sont ces héros qui furent fameux dans l'antiquité./ Genesis 6:4 (AMP) There were Nephilim (men of stature, notorious men) on the earth in those days—and also afterwar —when the sons of God lived with the daughters of men, and they gave birth to their children. These were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown (great reputation, fame).
Nombres 27:18 (LSG) L'Éternel dit à Moïse: Prends Josué, fils de Nun, homme en qui réside l'esprit; et tu poseras ta main sur lui./ Numbers 27:18 (AMP)